Episode 20

Published on:

19th Mar 2021

Episode 20

In this final episode Michele ties up loose ends and draws conclusions from the myriad of exhilarating LoveCapades she’d experienced over many years. What had she learned about love? One lesson is that a real love story never ends. Such was the case with her first boyfriend, high school Bobby. Fifty years after they’d first met, he was on her doorstep once again declaring his love for her. The next rendezvous with destiny occurred in 2006 when Michele and her dear Australian friend Trish took a trip to France and Italy. Upon checking into a charming country albergo in Piemonte, she asked the receptionist Valentina to do a Google search for her Sicilian lover Nicola. And voila—she discovered his address and phone number. A few days later Michele fortified herself with an entire bottle of Piemonte’s best red wine and then dialed his number. The conversation that ensued was a remarkable testament to amore! Finding him made her happy and sad all at once. But isn’t that the way with love? As Michele says in the book and in the podcast, “It makes us come alive like nothing else. It defines us, it describes us, it propels us forward, and it stops us dead in our tracks. It makes our world spin on its axis.” In this last look at love, Michele shares more poignant conclusions and professes that hope springs eternal. She poses the final question …will she find her true love in the end?

Show artwork for LoveCapades

About the Podcast

The LoveCapades podcast is derived from the memoir of the same name written by Michele Musy. It’s the story of Michele’s life seen through the prism of her experiences of love in all its many forms. From the hilarious to the harrowing, it’s a kaleidoscope of colorful episodes told as a celebration of a life full of adventure and joie de vivre. As you will learn, Michele makes choices that are unexpected, leading to a string of wild outcomes as she travels the globe. She even ventures into the mystical realms in a continuing search to find her true identity.

The podcast consists of 21 episodes in which Michele reads directly from the memoir. She is joined by her co-host, Sally Kaplan, who does a masterful job introducing each segment, and then leading a Q & A session after each reading. Invariably, Sally gets Michele to reveal even more about her life experiences as she wrestles with her demons…and ultimately discovers how to love herself.

Thank you for listening. If you have questions, submit them to michele@lovecapades.com. Please also check out our Facebook page called LoveCapades where you will find fun photos and visual stuff to fluff out the story.

About your hosts

Michele Musy

Profile picture for Michele Musy
Born and raised within a mile of Stanford University, I still live close enough to walk to the campus. Pretty good karma I’d say. I’ve had many jobs through the years including high school English teacher, but my main profession has been Realtor…selling a zillion houses throughout the years in the heart of Silicon Valley. I’ve been an ardent traveler, gardener, bridge player, storyteller and basic lover of life. Fun is my middle name. During all of these endeavors I’ve had a passion for writing and a love of words—I see words as playthings, or as I like to call them, the Legos of communication. My latest writing undertaking is my romantic memoir which I call LoveCapades. Yes, a word I made up. And now I am thrilled to be the creator of the LoveCapades podcast. This has been a labor of love full of fun and joy. I hope you all catch some of that spirit as you listen!

Sally Kaplan

Profile picture for Sally Kaplan
For over twenty years I have been writing and producing for film and television and, with my husband, have run our documentary film company called Backcountry Pictures. I also love to support writers of all levels and backgrounds, teach creative writing classes, and edit books for small presses. Once in a while I will edit a book for a special individual. Such was the case when Michele found me through the writers’ network and asked me to edit her memoir LoveCapades. We had a lot of fun working together, and I was so captivated by Michele’s stories that when she decided to create a podcast from the book, she invited me to be her co-host. The whole experience has been a delight. I’m so excited to share the humor, warmth, adventure, lustiness, tenderness, and self-reflection of LoveCapades to a wide listening audience.